all postcodes in RM6 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM6 5AA 44 0 51.580356 0.132955
RM6 5AB 17 0 51.579713 0.13024
RM6 5AD 46 0 51.580383 0.131022
RM6 5AH 47 0 51.580738 0.130764
RM6 5AJ 57 0 51.5799 0.128892
RM6 5AL 51 0 51.578703 0.128952
RM6 5AP 36 0 51.579346 0.127668
RM6 5AR 28 0 51.578291 0.126869
RM6 5AS 34 0 51.579167 0.126763
RM6 5AT 22 1 51.580776 0.127187
RM6 5AU 35 0 51.579254 0.126322
RM6 5AX 22 2 51.577986 0.125801
RM6 5BA 6 0 51.577826 0.125692
RM6 5BB 34 0 51.576939 0.124554
RM6 5BD 32 0 51.575469 0.123793
RM6 5BE 20 0 51.576814 0.124967
RM6 5BH 44 0 51.580021 0.133112
RM6 5BJ 16 1 51.583418 0.13076
RM6 5BL 58 0 51.582622 0.130044
RM6 5BP 24 0 51.582308 0.131487